How to eat healthy during pregnancy?

Published on July 27, 2016 by shiva

Diet in pregnancy is the common question that worries women right after they conceive. There are a lot of myths about what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy. You must have heard from a lot of people that eating pineapples or papaya during pregnancy is not good during pregnancy. Some people say hot food, non-vegetarian food, dry fruits aren’t allowed. This is not true.
There is no medical evidence that says pineapple or papaya can cause miscarriage. Raw papaya has an enzyme which was thought to cause miscarriage, but it was not found to be true. So essentially, you can have a moderate diet during pregnancy.
First twelve weeks of pregnancy, you will feel a loss of appetite or aversion to food. You don’t need to struggle to eat what you can’t have. Let the first trimester pass. You will then get your appetite back and start to feel normal. After the first trimester you can concentrate on nutritious food.
In nutritious food, you need to have lots of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins and fiber. So, concentrate on eating six small meals instead of three major ones. You should have a snack twice a day apart from your breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can have lots of milk, pulses and non-vegetarian food along with green leafy vegetables. Eat one fruit daily and lots of fiber in the form of soups or salads. You should also drink a lot of water.

The only food you need to avoid is large seawater fish which you can restrict in first trimester of pregnancy. The seawater fishes accumulate harmful chemicals like mercury and lead. The bigger the fish, the more the amount of harmful metal content present in it. After the first trimester fish can be included in your diet. Try to avoid unpasteurized milk, half boiled eggs, cold cut meats, or cheese which can transmit bacterial infections


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