Digestive problems? Find how to improve your digestive system

Published on July 14, 2015 by HWC

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T82gAiB41-Y”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The video talks about tips that help in resolving digestion problems. Today, digestion has become a major problem for many because of not consuming healthy food.

Few people have digestive distress with onions. If you are having digestive problems with onions, then it is a signal that your liver is not working properly. The same thing can happen with cucumber if you have liver gallbladder distress.

The best food for digestion is radishes, which are bitter herbs. If you are having digestion problem with radish, then it is a signal that your liver is working overtime. It is important to maintain liver gallbladder mechanism function optimally.

You can consider taking a digestive enzyme in the middle of your meal. It is better to minimize dairy products with meals because these can cause massive digestive distress in some people. So, the following tips can help you deal with digestive distress.

  • Avoid having fluids during meals
  • Do not drink ice water, this can stagnate digestion.
  • If you are having digestive distress with onions, radishes and cucumber, then your bile is flowing really slow and sluggish. Eating half a red apple can help your bile flow.
  • Also, do not have leftover food because it does not give you any energy and may stagnate digestion.

Digestion problems can also be resolved by having fiber-rich foods, cutting down foods high in fat, eating lean meats, quitting bad habits and staying hydrated.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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