What Are Sleep Disorders? |Child Psychology

Published on August 11, 2016 by shiva

Sleep disorders in children occur in about 30 percent of the population. Disruptions in sleep, rapid eye movement sleep and non-REM sleep do cause and manifest different sleep disorders that are functionally impairing for children. These sleep disorders have a negative effect on the children and it also affects the day-to-day activities.

Many of the sleep disorders that are common to children include night terrors, where children suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. The other common sleep disorder is sleepwalking that is more common in 8 to 12 years old. Sleep walking refers to the movement of the child during sleep. Sleep apnea is also common in children. Children suffering with sleep apnea experience breathing problems that disrupts the sleep. Sleep apnea patients experience disrupted breathing throughout the night that can cause them to have less of an efficient, restful, peaceful sleep. The sleep disturbance caused due to breathing problems manifests in irritability, grumpiness and difficulty functioning during school. There are few children who suffer with narcolepsy in which they’re awake and functioning properly but suddenly fall asleep in the middle of an activity.

Sleep disorders in children are mild and easily treatable through behavioural interventions, sometimes medication can also e used to treat sleep apnea. In few cases surgery is done to remove the adenoids. Sometimes children face night-time bed wetting that they are so deeply and they could not wake up. These are the most common symptoms of sleep disorders. Parents must take their children to doctors in cases where any of the above symptoms are observed in children

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