Ayurvedic Treatment for Heel Pain

Published on July 1, 2016 by HTC Team

The heel is the largest bone in the foot. If you overuse or injure your heel, you may experience heel pain. This can range from mild to disabling. In many cases, if you have heel pain, you will need a doctor or podiatrist to diagnose the cause. Heel pain may due number of reasons like planterfaciatis, calcaneal spur and many other reasons.

Treatment for Calcaneal spur

  • Calcaneus is bone of the heel and when you have a spur or calcaneal deposition at that point it is called as calcaneal spur.
  • Calcaneus spur can be related with varthu kantaku or pada kantaku. It is a thorny feeling when a patient walks.
  • Dhahan karma in varthkantaku can be done with murthikashala. Muthrika is called mud.
  • For this the black, red whatever mud get from gujarat . This is made like a rod and the rod is heated up to a point directly in the gas.
  • It has to be made hot and place at the area of pain you have to place it for around 20-30 seconds till the patient can bear it and then clean it with water.

This is a best remedy for calcaneal spur. Another effective treatment for calcaneal spur is for non diabetic patients, in this method the brick is needed which is made red hot, it is put on a iron pan and keep our leg above it and pour rice water on our leg.

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