Can a Fibroadenoma Turn into Cancer?

Published on June 9, 2016 by HTC Team

Women should always check with a doctor if they feel a defect in the breast, and particularly a breast mass. There are numerals of masses that happen within the female breast. Most masses are not cancer. A fibroadenoma is a gentle mass of fibrous and glandular tissue. Fibroadenomas are most usually found in women older i.e. 15 to 35. They rise in size with estrogens stimulation and revert after menopause. These stacks can often be felt in the breast, and can be seen on ultrasound, mammogram and magnetic resonance imaging. One out of every five women with a identified with fibroadenoma.

Fibroadenoma is rising in size. It will never get transformed into cancerous but if there are certain fibroadenomas which rise in size for more than 5 centimetres. The only cause they need to be removed or when they are more than 3 centimetres size and the painful or if there is located around the nipple and enlarge in size then they need to be removed. The presence of fibrocystic disease is the also indication that it might be one of the elevated risk factor for breast cancer in that particular breast, so that women with fibroadenoma definitely requires a regular screening for the breast because they have a higher risk factor for breast cancer though fibroadenoma.

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