Differences between Laparoscopic and Open Surgery

Published on June 8, 2016 by HTC Team

Laparoscopic surgery for intra abdominal surgeries was established in early 1990’s. Although open surgeries are still very familiar, many surgeons now do the laparoscopic procedure. Some surgeons choose to perform their surgeries by tradition based on preference, and the imagined technological issues that may be encounter, such as the revision cases from a gastric bypass to the duodenal switch operation. Laparoscopy is a Minimal invasive surgery which means performing a surgical procedure with least trauma and harm to the body tissue.

Open surgery requires a 6 to 8 inch incision to open the abdomen for the operation and laparoscopic surgery uses multiple small incisions and then a camera is used to view the abdomen while small instruments are used to perform the surgery through the incision points. The laparoscopic approach may also require a small 3 inch incision below the belly bottom. This is so the small bowel can be measured for its entire length. There is clear evidence that laparoscopic surgery when compared to open surgery is associated with less blood loss, less chance of postoperative infection, shorter hospital stay and much faster recovery. The amount of time the operation takes is not important to the outcome of the surgery but it can increase the risk of having blood clots or wound infections. Any Procedure that is started laparoscopically could be converted into an open method if the technological difficulties required so that it is done for the safety of the patience and interest of the patient.

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