Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Published on December 20, 2015 by HTC Team

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=””][vc_column_text css_animation=””]Removing body hair on a regular basis can be taxing. Therefore, a lot of people now prefer laser hair removal which is more or less permanent in nature. But there is one concern that is often raised. Are there any side effects for laser hair removal system? Dr. Urmila Nischal, a cosmetic dermatologist claims that if the process is done by competent technicians, under the guidance of experts, then there can be no side effects. However, she also admits, that at times, when the laser treatment is done over a tattoo or a mole, then there are some chances of swelling in the area. Also, if the machine is not regulated properly, that is the energy is not controlled and the skin can get burned.

However, these are not very common side effects of the process. Commonly, the area where laser technique is administered can get swelled or can look red, if the hair in the area is dense. However, this is a temporary occurrence and subsides in due course of time. Also in some cases there can be skin rashes which are curable by using topical antibiotics. Therefore, it can be argued that the side effects of laser hair removal are few.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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