Types of Endodontic Surgery

Published on January 31, 2017 by shiva

Endodontic surgery is a nonsurgical root canal procedure used by your endodontist to save your teeth. Endodontic surgery can also be used for diagnosis of certain tooth diseases. In few rare cases tiny fracture in tooth will not be visible and it can be detected during non surgical treatment.
Endodontic surgery mainly allows your endodontist to examine the entire root of your tooth that can cause problem. In some cases calcium deposits make a canal too narrow that doesn’t allow any surgical instruments to reach the end of the roots. When your tooth has calcification your endodontist will usually perform endodontic surgery to clean and seal the remainder of the canal.

Types of Endodontic Surgery
The common types of endodontic surgery include:
1. Apicoectomy
Apicoectomy is also called as apical root resection pr root end surgery used to remove your tooth’s root tip.
2. Hemisection
During hemisection, resection of root is done in the middle to separate each roots. In few cases when the infection remains in the furcation area, the prognosis of the tooth will be less and hemi resection needs to be performed. During this procedure the roots are separated and capping is also done separately.
3. Reimplantation
This procedure is generally used when the person meets an accident or injury that harms the teeth. During the injury if the tooth is knocked out of its socket, an endodontic surgery is required. In case of injury, a root canal can also be done outside your mouth by your endodontist. After the endodontic treatment the tooth can be inserted back in to the socket. This procedure of implanting the tooth is considered as reimplantation.
You need to consult your endodontist in case of tooth extraction and tooth implant surgery. Dental treatment like wisdom teeth removal or dental surgery is done under the supervision of endodontist


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