Do’s and Don’ts for Cold Sores

Published on November 18, 2015 by HTC Team

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text css_animation=””]Cold sore is characterized by formation of painful blisters. The causative agent for cold sore is the Herpes Virus which remains in the body and gets reactivated at a later time. Thus there is a chance of relapse of cold sore over and over again. There is no treatment to get rid of the virus from the body.

Cold sores are very contagious and the blisters should not be touched and hands should be washed immediately if touched accidentally. Once the blisters dry up, the virus cannot be transmitted any longer. This virus is dangerous for a baby and can cause serious illness including death and so referred to as “kiss of death”.

Sunlight, reduced resistance, illness, menstruation and stress can activate the virus leading to the development of cold sore. Sun exposure should be avoided by using sun block creams. Resistance of the body should be increased by consuming healthy food, exercising regularly and getting adequate sleep at night. Tablets can be taken to reduce the symptoms of cold sore but at an early stage before the blister formation. If blisters persist after 2 weeks or inflammation spreads or new infection develops, the doctor should be consulted immediately.

Therefore, by taking precautionary measures, contraction and spread of Herpes Virus can be minimized.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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