Magnesium Deficiency-Signs, Consequences & Food Sources

Published on July 15, 2015 by HWC

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text css_animation=””]The video talks about the side effects and consequences of magnesium.

Causes of Magnesium Deficiency

  • Stress
  • Diuretics (caffeine, alcohol, etc)
  • Increased intake of refined carbohydrates (Breads, cookies, cakes, baked foods, etc. )


  • Depression– feel sad, headache
  • Vaso construction– High blood pressure
  • Bone loss– Develops osteoporosis.
    • Magnesium deficiency sickens the cortical part of the bones leading to osteoporosis.
  • Muscle spasm
    • It is very common consequence of magnesium deficiency. In this case, pain is caused in the muscles, which leads to increase in inflammation.
  • Blood viscosity
    • In this case, blood becomes thick, which leads to increase in blood sugar levels. It can also increase the risk of heart disease.
  • Increase in cholesterol levels
    • This can increase the risk of stroke and other heart related problems.

If you are experiencing such symptoms, then you need to check your magnesium levels and should have foods that are rich in magnesium.

The following are the list of foods that are rich in magnesium:

Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. You can get adequate quantities of magnesium by having foods such as collard greens, cooked baby spinach and kale.

Nuts and Seeds

Half a cup of pumpkin seeds provides around 100 percent of magnesium that is required a day. Few nuts and seeds that are good sources of magnesium include sunflower seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, flaxseeds, cashew and pine.


Being a good source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, fish like halibut, mackerel, wild salmon and tuna contain high amounts of magnesium. Having fish at least once a week is good for health.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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