Want to Boost your Brain-8 Foods that Supercharge Brain

Published on June 9, 2015 by HWC

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Want to Boost your Brain-8 Foods that Supercharge Brain

In order to make your brain function properly, it is required that you take foods that powers brain. Such foods should contain proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants.

Green tea

Having green tea improves your attention level and avoids deposition of plaque on the brain, which can cause Alzheimer’s disease.

Dark skin veggies

Vegetables such as beets consist of disease fighting antioxidants that helps to keep your brain healthy and h3.

Nuts and seeds

These foods have high amounts of dopamine, folic acid and serotonin, which improve concentration and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Dark chocolate

Eating a block of dark chocolate gives you high amount of antioxidants. Chocolate also helps to promote blood flow to the brain, which increases our concentration levels and memory.


Rich in anti-oxidants such as Vitamin E, Blueberries protect the body from the affect of free radical and age-related cognitive loss.

Fatty fish

Some fishes such as mackerel and tuna contain Omega-3 fatty acids that support brain and nervous system. These foods also lessen the risk of getting dyslexia and other disorders that are caused due to lack of attention.


Egg is the good source of Omega-3 fatty acids that keeps you energized. Choline is also rich in egg and helps you to memorize things.

Whole wheat, Oats, Ryan miller and barley

These grains contain glucose sugar that fuels the body as well as brain. Rich in soluble fiber, these foods lessen the risk of stroke.

Try these foods will definitely help boost your brain power.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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