Can Hair Loss Be Reversed?

Published on August 27, 2016 by shiva

The common question people ask these days is that can hair loss be reversed? But if you look at it medically there are 40 different types of hair loss and whether it can be reversed or not, depends upon the type of hair loss the person is having which we can diagnose with the help of certain equipments like video microscope or a hair analyser. Medical tests like biopsy, blood tests also helps in identifying what type of hair loss it is and we can tell the patient whether it can be reversed or not. Out of the 40 different types the most common type of hair loss that we come across is androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. These are the 3 most common types of hair loss that we come across.

Androgenic alopecia is a condition where the hormone dihydroxytestosterone which is there in both men and women comes and attaches to the hair roots on the crown area of their scalp because the scalp becomes sensitive to this particular hormone. When the hormone attaches to the root of the hair the nutrition which is supposed to reach the hair reduces and hence the hair starts thinning. Every time a thick hair falls, a thinner hair starts growing, a thin hair falls an even thinner hair grows and eventually it dies. This process of thinning of the hair strand usually happens after 50 years or after 60 years but nowadays we see even 20 year or 30 year old people coming up with this common type of hair loss where the hair is thinning. This is an ageing process of the hair strand. Once the hair becomes old, it cannot become young. So in this condition, it is irreversible you have to arrest that particular process with treatment.

Telogen effluvium is a common condition seen after pregnancy when women start losing a lot of hair and maybe after a major illness like typhoid, malaria, jaundice, after antibiotics people loose lot of hair like in bunches. In this particular type of condition, you lose hair from all over your scalp, not specifically form the crown alone. Many patients restore or improve it even without any treatment. That is called acute telogen effluvium. When the person is losing hair like for more than 6 months continuously then it is called chronic telogen effluvium which can be treated with medication.
The other type of hair loss is alopecia is alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a patchy hair loss which comes in patches. In this type there are two types of hair loss, scarred and non-scarred. In the scarred one there is a scar that forms in the area of the patch and the scar once it forms, it is like any other wound scar, their hair roots are destroyed and hair cannot grow back whereas in the non-scarred variety you can grow back he hair if you treat it and if you don’t treat it also in some patients it grows back. But if in case these patches start increasing the entire hair of the scalp is lost, that is called alopecia totalis. In some people, it even affects the eyebrows; it is an autoimmune condition where your own immune system cause damage to your hair roots and in such cases medical intervention is required.

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